Martin Naumann

Martin Naumann



Martin is open source contributor and web evangelist by heart from Zurichwith a decade experience from the trenches of software engineering in multiple fields.He works as a software engineer at Archilogic in front- and backend.He devotes his time to moving the web forward, fixing problems, building applications and systemsand breaking things for fun & profit.Martin believes in the web platform and is working with bleeding edge technologies that will allow the web to prosper.


Exploring the third dimension with WebGL

The modern web is tearing down the borders of the browser window and allows us to create so much more than just another website. This talk is a whirlwind tour of how the multitude of sensors, 3D and virtual reality can be woven into entirely new applications that the web hasn’t seen yet. Using multi-device […]

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WebGL with Three.js

In this workshop you will get your hands onto all that’s needed to level up your web applications with the power of the third dimension.You will learn the basics to get an interactive 3D world on screen with Three.js, how to load 3D models from various formats and tips and tricks to gain the best […]

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